Organico Pizza

21 N Maple Ave Ste C, Marlton, NJ 08053 Order now
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Serving Pizza and More!


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Organico Pizza Reviews on Grubhub


Top Reviewer
Arrived right on time! Very very delicious. I got the all organic traditional plain pizza and I could taste the difference from their pizza or an ordinary pizza shop.. this pizza was so good and not greasy. I could focus on enjoying the cheese taste and not a mouth full of grease. Great pizza! I also love how you can make a gluten free/vegan pizza , my moms gluten free and a vegan, she can not wait to place her order.... that is hard to find!


4 reviews
The food is so good from Organico! Love this restaurant! The margherita pizza is so yummy I keep ordering it! The spinach ravioli is good and so is the spinach lasagna!

I've tried many of the pizza places around Marlton and this place is hands down my favorite!


Top Reviewer
Great place & even better customer service. They forgot my dessert so I called & they sent me an extra dessert & a few slices of pizza on the house. Smooth & easy the way life should be:-)


1 review
Delicious food , it's the only sauce I can eat that doesnt make me sick . The ingredients are fresh , pizzas are great , cheese is real cheese not "bulk" shredded glop ... def recommend


4 reviews
great food... and being born and raised in Philadelphia, i can say that the cheese steak is awesome! the role is different then most cheasteaks youll find in philly but it works well.

About us

Dinner, Organic, Pizza, Salads, Sandwiches
Takeout: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Restaurants face many challenges today, prices are always on the rise, and flavors are constantly changing. We promise to not only use the tastiest ingredients, but to also consciously choose our source of those ingredients. Many people think "Organic, okay, its better for you, but it doesnt taste good". We want to change their minds. We use all of the best organic ingredients, Organic Central Milling Flour, organic tomatoes imported from Italy and mozzarella from a family owned company who made their own conscious decision to offer dairy without rbst, a bovine hormone that makes cows produce more milk. The result of their choice has won them many awards for being the best tasting.